Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

Today's the day!  The big 2-8!  How funny...I feel old, but when I say that I'm only 28 it seems so young!  Found out I have high blood pressure yesterday...I really am getting old! :)  So today is Lillian's first day of ballet for this session, she's totally excited! :)  And then we're going out to dinner with the fam.  Azteca in Burien...a family favorite!  Yum...Mexican food! :)  And there's a Value Village right next door that my husband never let's me go to when we're in the neighborhood, so since it's my birthday...oh yeah...I'm definitely stopping by this time! What a exciting Birthday evening is that I get to go to Value Village.  :)

And for my b-day present I'm getting a much needed (and begged for) rotary cutter and mat!  Yippee! And Halloween was awesome by the way.  Completely stressful the whole day of, because I was still making the kids' costumes...but so worth it, and so much fun!  I'll post some pictures later when I get a chance.

And I'm thinking that I'd really like to have a giveaway.  I'm not really sure what I'm going to give away yet...considering it's my first I don't want it to be a flop...and be something lame that no one wants.  ;)  So let me think about it (a couple more days)...and then I'll let you all know what I've decided on.  :)

Happy Birthday to me...and Happy Wednesday to all of you!


  1. Happy birthday to you.

    As for what to giveaway, how about the winning lottery ticket?

  2. Happy birthday to you Teresa! You have such a lovely blog!!
