Monday, August 23, 2010

Lot's of new things!

What a weekend....a great weekend, but whew, felt like a really busy one.  First things first...I finished the Snow White dress!  It's far from perfect, but Lillian loves it, and that's what counts.  I think it actually came out better than I thought it would, so that's a bonus.  I tried to send a picture straight from my phone, but I can't seem to get that function so many other techno problems right now.

I also made her an adorable little skirt.  It was so easy to make, I made it Sat morning before going to our family picnic...everyone liked it...bonus! :)  She didn't want to take it off that night.  I think she just really liked that mom made it special just for her.  I think I'm going to make her a couple more since she liked it so much.  Of course, I didn't take any pictures of her wearing it, so I'll try and get one soon.  :)

And lastly....I got a new sewing machine........ohhhh....the anxiety!  I don't make large purchases like this!  And I'm really a pretty big spaz when it comes to spending money.  I have to research everything out there, compare prices EVERYWHERE, and then him-and-haw about it until I finally go out and buy it.  Well, I knew I wanted a machine with more functions available, so I think I'd narrowed down a Brother on  But when I was in Walmart yesterday, they had an Embroidery/Sewing machine on clearance for $184 marked down from $380!!!  That's HUGE!  I've wanted to try embroidery, but didn't want to spend the money.  I'm totally going through buyer's remorse, and having terrible anxiety about if I bought the right thing!  Spazzy...I know!  I like that it has the embroidery function, but I DO NOT like that I have to buy a separate piece to connect online (thought it was included...bummer), and it doesn't have all of the cute stitches that I wanted from the smaller Brother...I just don't know! Or as my husband has been teaching my daughter to say....IDK!  :)  (Too funny)!

So, here's a picture of the mammoth new machine....okay, it's not really that BIG, it's just totally intimidating!  I'm a little afraid to even turn it on...I don't want to ruin it!  HELP!!!

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